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Special Note on the Joint Strategy for B2B and B2C E-commerce

While the bulk of current e-Commerce transactions in the Philippines come from B2C trade, there is much opportunity for growth in the B2B segment. UNCTAD’s 2018 report shows this potential as B2B trade accounts for 83% of e-Commerce sales in the top 10 economies. Of these, Japan has the most digitally integrated B2B trade amounting to 95% of total e-Commerce sales. China’s B2B trade, on the other hand, accounts for 41% of online business transactions.

e-Commerce Sales based on UNCTAD Report 2018

The huge potential for business-to-business transactions highlights the importance of digital transformation for Philippine enterprises. Improving digital infrastructure and capacity for businesses could improve local supply chain integration, as more MSMEs are empowered to supply to larger businesses, as well as increase opportunities for export and global trade.